
Phoenix fan forum

Friday, 4th July 2003

With club strategic planning and on-ice team recruiting well under way for the first season of Manchester Phoenix ice hockey, the management and coaching staff of the club would like to invite media and fans to a public meeting on Friday 11th July.

As with previous public meetings organised by the Friends of Manchester Ice Hockey (FOMIH), the venue will be the Great Hall of Manchester Town Hall with a start time of 7.30pm.

Phoenix Managing Director Neil Morris will outline the progress made so far in establishing the hockey club, its league status and will further advise the continuing efforts to attract corporate sponsorship, partners and advertisers.

Head Coach Rick Brebant, who returns from a holiday/recruiting visit Canada next week, will be present to answer questions on matters involving team construction and prospective style of play.

Other representatives of FOMIH will also be present to answer questions on specific fan related matters such as social events, away travel, merchandising and ticketing.