
Children in Need shirt auctions

Monday, 26th November 2012

Thanks to everybody who took part in our Children in Need Shirt auction.

The office will be in contact with the winners during the next couple of days to arrange payments etc.


Shirt Winning Bid Winner
Andy McKinney £130.00 add
Ben Wood £135.00 Etholtrac
Ciaran Long £165.00 Aaron E
James Archer £162.00 Mydaughterwantsthis
James Neil £140.00 Emilyb
Joachim Flaten £250.00 LB
Jorge El-Hage £110.00 SL
Luke Boothroyd £120.00 SL
Michal Psurny £180.00 templemore
Neil Morris (signed by entire team) £140.00 mcc
Ondrej Pozivil £120.00 88
Richard Bentham £130.00 JaJa
Robert Schnabel £200.00 WG&R
Scott McKenzie £120.00 Aaron E
Steve Fone £165.00 rlh
Tom Duggan £135.00 knotty-m
Total £2402.00  


Joachim Flaten in his Children in Need Shirt

Flaten's shirt raised £250! Thanks!
(Image: Richard Allan)

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