
Let's go Phoenix

Saturday, 26th March 2011

Well it’s not long now... Tony and I have just had our early morning talk, some days it’s just about the cost of petrol and how we could probably do a better job of running this country. However today is different, the coach leaves in a few hours and we have to try and get the team mentally prepared for what is probably one of the biggest games Manchester Ice Hockey has had in over 10 years.

Funny how we are both bombarded all week with press asking us the same questions over and over, can you get that 1 point, is everybody fit, I know they manage to prove they don’t normally follow us by the second sentence. Bless them, no grass and a round thing made of pigs skin and they are lost. But the strange thing is that we still see very little in the public domain, we just keep slipping down the daily sports list. Not sure what we have to do to get us noticed but you know what? The guys are going to give everything they have for you over the next couple of days. Prepare yourself for 6 periods of relentless hockey, every man on this team is going to empty his lungs for you until he is fully exhausted and has no more to give you. You know, and so do Tony and I, that when we get this engine on line, it just runs down anything in its way. So all the checks are done, we are good to go and todays message for the team and you is

Well this is it people lets go... All those going on the raiding party, assemble at the front of the castle in a few hours and let’s see if we can take the battle to them. All those assigned to protecting the castle, prepare to repel borders. And if it comes to it tomorrow don’t spare the boiling oil… And Remember fidem serva...

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