
Phoenix TV - Get involved!

Friday, 18th February 2011

We're looking for supporters to feature as our "Supporter of the Week" and we want to answer all your "Burning Questions"...

Do you want to be on Phoenix TV as our Supporter of the Week?

If you do then text: ‘SUPPORT’ followed by your name to let us know that you are interested on being on the show.

To: 07534196875

We will then select a supporter and contact you with further details.

Please note: Phoenix TV is usually shot on Monday afternoons

Are there any burning questions about the Phoenix you have?

Well here’s your chance to have them answered on Phoenix TV! Each week our presenter will answer as many questions as he can on the show from the supporters so get your burning questions in and we will do our best to answer them!

Just text: ‘Q’ followed by your question and the name you wish to be known by on the show.

To: 07534196875