
Elite League to run with eight clubs as Manchester opts for the EPL

Friday, 1st May 2009

The 2009-10 ice hockey season will see the Elite League operate with eight clubs following the decision by the Manchester Phoenix to withdraw from the league.

Manchester were a founder member club when the Elite League was formed in the summer of 2003, but Phoenix club officials have advised Elite League Chairman Eamon Convery of their decision following extensive and long deliberations.

Convery commented, “Of course, it is extremely disappointing that Neil Morris and his team of people in Manchester have chosen to withdraw and we wish them every success in the English Premier League.”
“Mr Morris had indicated that the Phoenix had endured a difficult season financially in 2008-09 despite icing a very attractive and competitive team. At this time, he feels a need to re-structure his club and whilst we all hoped that would be within and as a continuing member of the Elite League, we have to respect his decision and wish the Phoenix club well.”
“The Elite League will now operate with eight clubs and with many of them already announcing exciting player signings, the prospects for another thrilling season of Elite League ice hockey are enthralling.”
EIHL logo

Elite League: We wish the Phoenix club well.

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