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On Friday August 11th 2006, Richard Allan caught up with Phoenix MD Neil Morris and asked him about the new rink, the new team, and the forthcoming season.
Richard Allan:
The new season is nearing and the team is coming together. What do you think of the shape of the team so far?
Neil Morris:
I believe that my coach is already playing smart, he has put down the foundations for what looks to be a very hard working team that has grit and skill combined with character. With this sort of a team of players already in place Tony may be able to bring in couple of guys who could also make us dynamic.
How do you think Tony Hand is doing so far as Phoenix Coach, and what’s he like to work with?
So far Tony has worked very hard and I believe he is on my wavelength. We are very different individuals, however together I believe we can create a great club. One the fans can not only be proud of but also be part of.
What style of hockey would you like to see the Phoenix play, and are the players that Coach Hand is signing looking like they’ll fit into that style?
Personally I would like to see our team posses a balance of toughness combined with skill and agility. I would also like to see players that acknowledge they are only a part of our team and that everybody that sits in the arena is also a big part of our organisation. Tony believes that the players he is bringing to Manchester fit this bill and I have a lot of confidence in him.
The original aims of FOMIH (Friends Of Manchester Ice Hockey) are looking like they’re about to come to fruition, with the building of a new ice venue and the return of top flight hockey. How hard has it been working on those aims alongside running your other business?
It has probably bordered on impossible. If it was not for all the very talented and supportive people that I am fortunate to have working around me in all my businesses I definitely could not of made this journey…. I really do admire and greatly respect all of you and will never be able to thank you all enough for helping me bring to life what starts out as just visions. Some of these people have been with me for nearly twenty years now…. they probably would have done less time for robbing the Bank of England!
How is the work on the new rink progressing?
The work on the rink is progressing well, it has, like everything else been very difficult. The main contractor has been working very hard to get round a multitude of problems with the land. We have brought in some very specialist companies such as The Earth Science Partnership to help us get round moving sand banks, loose peat and contamination as well as our latest find six weeks ago, which were basements from the old factory. Unfortunately our original surveys showed only small signs of these problems, so our contractor was told to expect to deal with about 20% of these conditions. However when they have got down to fully installing the foundations it has worked out at nearly 70%. Credit to them they have continually come up with new solutions week after week and those that have been past the site lately will have seen the new rigs installing the foundations and base as we speak.
Do we have a confirmed opening date for the new rink?
We are still heading for our first home game which I believe is the 24th September but I did not tell you that… Our contractor is still confident that as long as we have a clear run now they will make that date. I have taken the precaution of booking ice time with the Deeside Arena as a backup precaution should we need it. Should this backup plan need to be put into effect then the club will provide coaches for all of our season ticket holders, sponsors and VIPs. Obviously we would have to be fair and allocate seats for the away supporters, so should we need to fall back on to this plan we would also televise the game and run a pay per view web cast for everybody else so whatever happens nobody will miss our opening games.
Cardiff Devils are also going through the process of having a new rink built, and they’re shouting about their progress form the rooftops. Why are Phoenix being so quiet about the progress on our rink?
I am not sure how they can make such claims as we started before them, maybe they have just had a much better run than us, maybe it’s a less complicated build, I really do not know. We have not made any predictions so far as our contractor wants to start erecting our main structure in the next couple of weeks before he believes he can be totally accurate with a finish date, so why keep guessing. This is what they do, so let them do it.
With the new season getting closer and the player signing news out in the open, how are things taking shape behind the scenes? Have there been any new staff appointed to work for the club?
Yes, as you know Margaret Pullen has been appointed the new Administration and Support Co-ordinator. We have brought back Melissa Baker as the Administration Manager. Katie Macdonald has taken the role of Business Development Manager. Andy Costigan will now fill the role of General Manager while still encompassing PR and Communications. And finally Richard you have been tasked with Game Night Media Production with the assistance of Ron Gilmour, Comtec’s Special Projects Director. Over the coming weeks we will spotlight these people and give you a greater insight into their roles and responsibilities.
Has a new match night announcer been picked for the new rink? What are your plans for the off-ice entertainment side of match nights?
There are a few options for our announcer yet, but remember the club is still recruiting, so if you think you have got what it takes or even know somebody, then get in touch. There are big plans for match night, bigger, better... You are just going to have to come and have a look for yourself!
Is there any news on when the fixture list will be published? What’s been the reason for the delay?
I believe the fixtures will be available next week. I am afraid the reason for the delay has been confidential, however it is all good, very good. Watch this space...
We’ve got a pre-season game coming up, with the Phoenix accepting the offer of a match in Sheffield against the Scimitars. Are you personally looking forward to this?
I have been looking forward to the Phoenix coming back to play for many years now, I am sure that I have not been on my own. The real game I am looking forward to is the first game we play in our new house and you had all better be there!
Neil Morris was interviewed by Richard Allan on Friday 11th August 2006 at the Phoenix Head Office