
Support Movember with the Mantashter Phoenix!

Tuesday, 13th November 2012

Some of our eagle-eyed supporters may have noticed a little more facial fuzz in the roster last weekend, with several of the Phoenix players sporting the early stages of moustaches! Luke Boothroyd, James Archer, Steve Fone and several other members of the Phoenix squad and off-ice team have pledged to take part in Movember, the annual fundraising effort designed at raising awareness of issues such as prostate cancer and testicular cancer in which men all around the world grow weird and wonderful moustaches and maintain them throughout the month of November.

Team owner Neil Morris is fully supportive of the upper lip sproutings that have been appearing in the past couple of weeks:

"I think it's great to see some of the guys getting behind Movember and growing some hopefully very impressive facial hair, supporting a great cause and raising awareness for men's health issues. All hail the Mantashter Phoenix!"

At the time of writing, the team's Movember efforts had raised nearly £400 via the online donations page! To support the team's Movember efforts, please click on the link below.


James Archer and Luke Boothroyd sporting their Movember moustaches

James Archer and Luke Boothroyd sporting their Movember moustaches
(Image: Richard Allan)

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